Friday, January 22, 2010

Second Official Day of Teaching

Today I had to teach on my own because my intern supervisor was absent. I was TERRIFIEDDDDDDD! I had to teach the top jazz band in the morning and then the music theory class all my myself.

I had never done anything with the jazz band, but I did teach music theory yesterday, so I felt comfortable then. Jazz band was scary- the students had just woken up and werent really ready to work. But then we picked the first chart to play and everything went great. The trumpets and trombones are verrrryyy weak- most of them are freshman. But with more work, they were ok. It seemed like they had fun.

Music theory was awesome today. We went over an assignment from the previous day. They all seemed to understand the material I taught the day before, and were able to apply it well. Those kids are almost all seniors, so they are very helpful and were VERY inquisitive about college life....dont worry, i didnt answer any questions about college life, just about what programs were good to go to. Alot of them really wanted to go to florida state!!! Im so happy :)

The biggest issue I had today was with the one percussionist....well, not even a percussionist- a drummer!- in concert band. We had a parent teacher conference with him last week, but he is still screwing around. Just a bad seed. But the guy who is usually goofing off with him was doing very well today. He was busy learning the solos in his part for all the mallet instruments. He knows the notes and rhythms for the most part, its just getting him to do it and not talk to his jerk friend. He even tried to make casual conversation about whether or not I will be joining them on their little performance trip on Monday. He was also asking about if I dance salsa and if I like it....I think I may have a situation of a student crush coming up- dont worry, i will nip it in the butt ASAP

Today is going very well. I am excited about tonight too. I am helping my dad with his job stuff again tonight, and then me and Ari have a movie night planned. I have to go find "what dreams may come"- bc i lied and told him i already rented it....blah. But whatever. Lets see how this night goes.

Im out!! Kris, I miss you already. Good luck in Haiti and come home sooooon!!!!

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