Thursday, January 21, 2010


I just finished teaching a music theory class texture in music.

I was absolutely terrified. The words that came out of my mouth were studdered. I looked at Mr. Jenkins and got a reassuring nod. Then, something miraculous happened.....THEY UNDERSTOOD what I was teaching!!!

The students were suprisingly well behaved. Once I envolved them a lot and asked them questions, even the worst behaved student was cooperating. It was probably the coolest experience yet.

After class, they all smiled at me on the way out. I felt sooooo accomplished. The next class period I sat in with the percussion section....i should really call them drummer. They were so disrespectful, screwing around. They even tried to mix up their names for me. I didnt let them get away with crap. I played every percussion instrument with them, constantly asking them questions about the music when there were breaks. I want them to always be thinking, always be doing. They arent bad kids, just reaalllllly bored and antsy when there is nothing for them to do. So they make up their own entertainment by screwing around and misbehaving. It really is that. I know that they were busy and on task today because they HAD a task that was more interesting then counting rests and playing for a few bars. However, I am not going to be there in the percussion section all the time....i worry for them.

NOTE TO SELF: always program music with sufficient percussion parts- the more you keep them busy, the more they are on task. Now, the issue is finding good music with percussion parts :-/

I am worried about tommorow. Mr. Jenkins will be out for half of the day, and I have to teach jazz band and music theory on my own. Its going to be interesting, thats for sure.

Last night was very interesting as well. I found out that my friend Kris is going to Haiti to help. He is a med student, and one of the best. While I am proud of him, I know I am going to worry for his safety. The violence there is bad, and there have been bad aftershocks. But I know he is doing it because he is ment to. He doesnt know how long he will be there, but I will miss him terribly.

In hopes of cheering myself up after talking to Kris, I went to see Ari. Everytime I see him I get even more confused. He invited me over to play some charts and he wants me to teach him how to read music. But as i was driving over, he said he wanted to just do something another day. Since i was already on my way, he said i should still come over. I know why he didnt want me there....his whole family was home. BUT i guess he didnt know how it was going to go. Immediately I hit it off with his dad. His dad is an ex-musician who almost made it big time in the 70s. We had so much to talk about. His mother made me dinner immediately, even though I said I was ok without it. His sister ran up to me and asked me where I shopped and loved all my clothes. And his brother was teasing me and Ari about being a couple. All this was happening while his HUGE rotwiler, Nemo was basically in my lap.

I love his family! So nice, so welcoming....his mother is a sweetheart and wanted to feed me everything in the house... but Ari was soooooo rude to her!!! And just standoffish to his whole family! It was a HUGE turnoff. I had more fun hanging out with his family then with him. After dinner, we went into his room and I attempted to teach him how to read music and rhythms. He knows how to do it, he just is lazy and doesnt want to apply it....possibly the worst student I have ever met lol

We spent more time improving and playing charts for eachother. It was nice. I am really getting more into my music now than ever. I sight read Spain on piano, and it was good. I have forgotten that I can do all of these things. We listened to a song we produced when we were younger. It is still a great song. I teared up listening to it because I realize how I have been detached from so many things I love. Like just really LOVING music and loving to play it. No more theory and lesson and blah blah blah. I think the biggest thing I have learned thus far is how much I do love music, and how my passion that started me in this direction didnt dissapear, it just got sidetracked.

The time spent with Ari last night was overall a dissapointment as far as "we" are concerned. We watched a movie together, alone, under a blanket, and he didnt even attempt to put his arm around me or get closer to me....I felt like I was watching a movie with my brother. I couldnt even concentrate on having a good time because I was always expecting him to make a move, but he never did....the only movement he made all night was texting CONSTANTLY to other people. I even jokingly sent him a text saying "it is rude to text while you have a guest" trying to hint at it....he laughed, but then continued.

Confusing, always. One day he takes me out and talks about taking me on trips and kisses me goodnight, and then another day he basically ignores me. His family paid more attention to me then he did....sigh, his DOG payed more attention to me. It was annoying, and I left dissapointed with no kiss, because I wasnt having it.

He texted me on the way home saying "my family is in love with you"....and all I could think about was....yeah, well at least they like me. He picked up that I was mad when I didnt answer, and I told him I was dissapointed a little, but I was ok. I dont want to deal with it. I shouldnt have to. Maybe things will change. He wants to get dinner and watch "what dreams may come" on Friday. Lets see how this goes....

Peace. Pray for Haiti.

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